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Writer's pictureWill Hunsaker

Weekly Devotional - August 13th

For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

Romans 6:14

I love this verse because it is a promise, not a command. However, many want to read it as a

command, forcing Christians into a state of confusion, often leading them to believe they are not obligated to observe the moral law. Paul is simply stating that because of God's unfathomable grace through Christ's work, we no longer have to do things to justify ourselves before Him. We are justified by what He has already done.

Here is a quick analogy. A man is lying on the ground with an enormous and heavy stone on his chest; we will call it the law. He cannot get out from under the law; it is too heavy, and breathing is getting harder and harder. Another man comes along, removes the law from his chest, and frees him simply because He wants to. Paul teaches that the first man doesn’t have to crawl back under the law to prove to the second man that he is worthy of being freed. Instead, he lives in gratitude for what was done; this is grace. The law did not disappear; it is still around. So now the man lives with the law but not under it.


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